Vote like you life depends on it. Because it does. Never has an election felt more important. Make your voice heard and be a part of the process. We need you.
$5 will be donated to to help as many people as we can get out there to vote.
Empathy is the idea of trying to understand someone else, to walk in their shoes. Now more that ever we need to think more about those around us and what they may need and less about what we want.
This shirt is inspired by the poet and musician Kae Tempest who speaks so powerfully and eloquently about the state of our world. Give Kae a listen and be inspired.
$5 will be donated to The Trevor Project to help them continue to support LGBTQ youth in crisis.
George Floyd. Manuel Ellis. Javier Ambler. Eric Garner. A powerful statement that is both truth and symbol - truth of the many black lives that have been lost at the hands of police and a symbol of the oppression of racism.
$5 will be donated to Black Lives Matter so they can continue their fight for equality.
We believe how we think of ourselves each day sets our path forward. We believe amidst all of the chaos we can choose faith and hope. We believe we can choose optimism.
$5 will be donated to the Child Mind Institute so they can continue to transform the lives of children struggling with mental health and learning disorders.